On advanced audio effects on a layout

The easiest and, seemingly, most widespread DIY way to add audio effects to a layout is with the help of MP3 module with microSD card slot. These cheap modules play mp3 files from uSD card and Next/Play/Stop controls are provided by GPIO pins, so you can control them with buttons or Arduino. They also come with UART so that Arduinos can get a list of files on the card and select the file to be played.

However, this functionality is often not sufficient for advanced sound effects. In particular, 2 features would be very useful for a layout, but are not possible with a MP3 module:

  1. Mixing of several audio tracks together.

  2. Gapless playback of several consecutive sounds. This feature can be used to create looping playback and transition one sound to another.

With these capabilities, we can implement, for example, locomotive engine sound:

  • Start of an engine

  • Run with idle engine sound for indefinite duration,

  • Transition to 1st gear,

  • Run with 1st gear indefinitely,

  • Mix with a coupler sound,

  • Mix with horn,

  • …​ and so on

Or, for example, we can play ocean waves sound in loop and mix it with occasional seagulls and wooden screeching.

Or we can play a campfire sound with occasional forest birds, owls, wolf howl.

ESP8266Audio Library

The library is located here: https://github.com/earlephilhower/ESP8266Audio and it allows you to write a program that will itself read audio data from a defined source, mix and/or process it, and send it to an audio device. Despite the name, it can run on ESP8266, ESP32 and RP2040 MCUs.

It can decode WAV data, in addition to MP3, AAC, MIDI, MOD, and can read files from the firmware itself, internal flash, SD card and even internet. It can send data to an I2S amplifier or to a single-transistor amplifier circuit, which is probably enough for our needs.

For the purposes of a diorama layout, WAV data and internal flash (or SD card) is enough.

The library allows to play several sources simultaneously, setting volume for each source independently.

Sounds as state machines

The idea is that a simple continous sound has a beginning portion, middle portion looping continously and ending portion:

%3 Silence Silence Entry Entry Silence->Entry Command to start sound Check1 Effect still on? Entry->Check1 Loop Loop Check1->Loop Yes Exit Exit Check1->Exit No Check2 Effect still on? Loop->Check2:nw Check2->Loop Yes Check2->Exit No Exit->Silence

Simplified state machine diagram of this can look like this:

%3 Silence Silence Entry sound Entry sound Silence->Entry sound Loop sound Loop sound Entry sound->Loop sound Exit sound Exit sound Entry sound->Exit sound Loop sound:nw->Loop sound:sw Loop sound->Exit sound Exit sound->Silence

A more advanced continous sound effect can be represented by a more complex state diagram. Here is a simplified diagram of a 2-gear diesel engine. The transitions are controled by current locomotive speed.

%3 Silence Silence Startup Startup Silence->Startup Idle Idle Startup->Idle Idle->Idle Idle to 1st gear Idle to 1st gear Idle->Idle to 1st gear Cutoff Cutoff Idle->Cutoff 1st gear 1st gear Idle to 1st gear->1st gear Cutoff->Silence 1st gear->1st gear 1st to 2nd gear 1st to 2nd gear 1st gear->1st to 2nd gear 1st gear to idle 1st gear to idle 1st gear->1st gear to idle 2nd gear 2nd gear 1st to 2nd gear->2nd gear 1st gear to idle->Idle 2nd gear->2nd gear 2nd to 1st gear 2nd to 1st gear 2nd gear->2nd to 1st gear 2nd to 1st gear->1st gear

Locomotive decoders with sound (such as ESU LokSound) play sounds in a similar fashion, and their sound editors allow users to edit the state diagram and respective samples.

So, we can implement this in code of our MCU and make it play different sounds for each state and move through states according to some input, and we’ll get realistic continous sounds.



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