Updates on RC truck and BLE-RC electronics
A latest video of state of the project (mid-august):
The firmware is ready to be tested in the field, as can be seen in the video above. All the features seem to be working, including, but not limited to:
Motor driving with smooth acceleration, deceleration and connection to brake lights and reverse lights
Smooth steering with connection to turning lights
Separate function for headlights
Light indication when no device is connected over BLE (5 seconds of emergency lights blinking, then short flashes every 10 seconds).
I have been looking into ability to do OTA updates, so currently I am trying to switch from Arduino+FreeRTOS+NimBLE stack to Nordic’s native SoftDevice. Doing this will allow to use Nordic’s DFU protocol and bootloader that can update the firmware via BLE.
It’s a complex task as this toolchain is not supported by PlatformIO, so a dedicated PlatformIO platform and framework need to be developed.
Android control app
The video also shows a very rudimentary Android application for controlling the truck. It’s created in MIT App Inventor service, which allows to make mobile apps in browser, using block-based programming language.
While it does the job, I plan to make a physical gamepad-like remote. Probably based on ESP32 chip, because a remote can have larger battery, so power consumption is less of a problem, with display and inspired by alpakka controller. LILYGO T-Display is one candidate.
RC truck mechanics
The electronics is slowly being installed into the truck, with a lot of questions still not answered. I’ve primed the cabin with spray can primer, now it needs a paint.